Library Card:
Residents of the Town of Stanford six years of age and older may obtain a library card. Your library card may be used in any of the 66 libraries in the Mid-Hudson Library System. It must be renewed every 3 years.
Loan Period:
DVDs and Magazines – 1 week, Books and Books on CD – 3 weeks, Downloadable audiobooks and eBooks – 3 weeks. Older DVDs – 2 weeks with renewal allowed.
Return Materials:
Materials borrowed at other libraries in the Mid-Hudson Library System may be returned to our library for routing back to the lending library. For your convenience a book return, located just outside of our main entrance, is available 24 hours.
Computer and Internet Use:
Computers and WiFi are available to the public free of charge. Library policy regarding use of the computers and the Internet are available at the library.
Overdue Fines:
Beginning on March 2, 2020 items checked out at our library will no longer incur late fees. This policy does not extend to overdue museum passes or overdue materials borrowed from outside of the Mid-Hudson Library System. You will still be billed for non-returned, lost, damaged, or stolen items.